Getting to Work
Getting to Work
I’m getting to work! That’s what I just told Linda, and it wasn’t a complaint. I’m privileged to enjoy the gift of both high energy and significant opportunities. In one sense, my responsibilities are the blessing of God. And so are yours.
You and I were made for more than merely getting things done, we were made to make a difference. We were made to live in partnership with God and others in the pursuit of meaning and purpose. Without purpose nothing matters.
It’s all grace. Speaking of grace – our friend and neighbor by the name of “Grace” just stopped me with an update on her 84-year-old mother. While she enjoys reasonably good health, her mother is a bit dissatisfied. That’s why she’s just enrolled in a class at the senior center labeled: “Pursuit of Purpose in Life.” Grace said, “Guess what? My mother is not even the oldest one in her class – the oldest is 92!”
We never outgrow our need for purpose. We’re all born with a need to work at things that matter and make a difference. There’s a nagging hunger within every one of us to find meaning in life.
Even those fully dedicated to God often feel unfulfilled in their calling. I just talked with one young leader who admitted that at the age of 43 he’s been struggling with the question of how he might accomplish more with his life in honor of Christ. He and his wife have recently been praying the prayer of Jabez recorded in I Chronicles 4:10.
“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory!’”
Just after Alex had been fervently praying, we then met on a Zoom call. I was facing a deadline finalizing the Spanish translation of Soul Strength – Rhythms for Thriving. As it so happens, Alex was trained as a lawyer in Venezuela and is now serving as a pastor in Indianapolis. While he is highly fulfilled, he still feels as if God may have more in store for him, especially in his passion to help leaders, including those outside his personal circle and throughout Latin America. Well, that has suddenly changed in a matter of days.
Alex Diaz has just agreed to partner with me as one of our Hispanic ambassadors in the ministry of Covenant Connections. While he will continue his full-time role with his strong church, his leaders have just blessed him to leverage his influence internationally. His fervent prayer was answered quickly and so was mine.
Quite frankly, because of capacity and time, I was frustrated and wondered how the Spanish translation deadline would be met. I had been working with a highly gifted team of translators, all of whom are in the category of Hispanic ambassadors: Catherine/Columbia, Ely/Chile, Gaby/Mexico and Sara/Ecuador. They have labored with me for several months, and we were 95% finished. When I was discussing this challenge with Alex he immediately wanted to help. That’s when everything suddenly came together
Alex was quickly gripped. He said: “While working on the translation I both laughed and cried. This is what I needed and so do countless other Hispanic leaders!”
I love it when a plan comes together.
I’m getting to work today, how about you? The work I do is almost all relational, and I suspect that the most important work you get to do probably is too. It doesn’t matter so much what you do but for whom and with whom you get to do it! So, ponder these verses.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:23 NIV).
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” (I Corinthians 15:58 NLT).
So, what good work are you getting to do today?
Grace and Peace,