Easy Does It!
Easy Does it!
It was so easy. After years of frustration, it only took two hours and less than $300 to finally get it done. I’m talking about improving my lousy TV reception. How did it happen? I finally bought a new roof top antenna. Not only that, but I also asked a skilled handyman to install it, and … wonder of wonders, it works great! I only wish all my technological and life frustrations would be cured so quickly and inexpensively.
“What’s hard for you is easy for someone else.” Those were the wise words of someone I’ve mentored for years. David now sometimes turns the tables on me and offers me timely counsel as well. Awhile back I was lamenting some of my frustrations when he reminded me that just because I struggle with certain things everyone else doesn’t. I just need to ask.
No one is good at everything; we all need help with something. I’ve got several surgeon friends who have privately shared the secret that most surgeries are very easy for them. Easy for them though not necessarily easy for their patients. I just had one of those myself recently. From what he said, my surgeon didn’t struggle with doing my appendectomy, but I can assure you that I struggled enough for us both!
We all know that life is hard at times. But everything that’s hard for me isn’t always hard for someone else.
• Doing yoga is hard for me but not for my wife.
• Doing my taxes is hard for me but not for my accountant.
• Doing repairs on my irrigation system is hard for me but not for my handyman.
What do you need help with and from whom? I don’t always like to ask for help, it’s humbling. Recently I was taking another personality profile and was challenged to daily ask others for help. That’s hard. Typically, I’d much rather be of help than to bother somebody else. Not only that, but I also often assume that they wouldn’t have the time or interest in helping me, even if I was willing and able to pay them.
I learned a lesson with my antenna challenge. Not only was it relatively inexpensive, but it was also actually relatively easy for the right person. He had the knowledge, the tools and even a good ladder. In addition, as it turns out he was interested in doing the same thing at his own house, so my little project inspired his own. He went to school on me and got paid for it - it was a win/win! He blessed me, and in helping me it blessed him.
One of the leaders I sometimes mentor just sent me a complimentary text celebrating an insight I had easily shared with him. In preparation for a major speaking assignment, I mentioned something that helped to shape what he said and how he said it. One simple comment from me was insightful for him and beneficial for those who heard from him. It was easy for me to be of help, and I didn’t even have to get on a plane or even leave my zip code to do it.
What do you need help with today? This I know, what’s a burden to you just might become a blessing to the person gifted and willing to help you. We all take turns giving help and needing it, and that’s the way God intended life to be. By God’s grand design, we are all inextricably intertwined. We are not independent; we are all inter-dependent.
Here again are the big questions staring at me, and maybe even you, today.
· Why am I often reticent to ask for help?
· What do I most need help with right now?
· What will I ask for today and from whom?
Sometimes asking someone for help, or even a favor of some sort, is a favor to them. Everyone needs to be needed. Everyone wants to be of value. Everyone is superior in some way. That’s why the scripture reminds us to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)