Your Gift is on the Way
Your gift is on the way…
All good things come to those who wait … some of the best gifts don’t arrive until AFTER Christmas day! I just had to encourage my son-in-law with those words when his gift card didn’t arrive on time. In my experience waiting is often inevitable.
Did you know that the same was true on the first Christmas?
As I write this I see a small set of figurines that Linda placed on my desk. They’re just one of many in our house inaccurately depicting the wise men, or magi, celebrating the arrival of Jesus right along with the shepherds and animals. I say inaccurately because the only place in Scripture where the three magi are noted comes in Matthew 2:11. By the time they finally arrived with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, Jesus and his parents were then settled in a house!
That may encourage you if you’ve yet to receive all of your anticipated gifts! Did you hear about the lady who in the rush of last minute Christmas shopping bought a box of 50 identical greeting cards? Without bothering to read the verse she hastily signed and addressed all but one of the cards. Then several days later, after mailing all of the rest, she came across the extra one and was horrified to read, “This Christmas card is just to say, a little gift is on the way!”
The truth is that some of God’s good gifts are still to arrive in the future. At our house we’re now looking forward to the arrival of our grandson and his special girlfriend. We’ve scheduled a fun, festive feast with them tomorrow evening. While we would have loved to have had them with us on Christmas Day, we’re delighted that we will soon celebrate with them. And if all goes well they will bring with them the frosted Christmas cookies I have long awaited!
Everyone needs something to look forward to. I have numerous things still to anticipate and trust that the same is true for you. I just hope you won’t be disappointed if one of those things yet to arrive isn’t actually an extravagance such as gold, frankincense or myrrh. … or even a little gift from me!
Merry After Christmas,