Strong Guys!

Let's face it, some guys are just stronger than others. Do you know the difference between body types? Ectomorphs are long and lean. Endomorphs are rounded with lots of muscle and body fat. Mesomorphs are athletic and muscular. 

While we can't change our basic body type we can re-shape our bodies and become more fit. It's comforting to know that some of us just weren't designed to build much muscle mass; however, regardless of our physical body type, we can still be leaner and become stronger - even as we age.

Even though I've never had "show muscles" I have been blessed with "go muscles!" I've learned that as we age,  Psalm 84 is true; it's really possible to "go from strength to strength." While we may no longer enjoy the physical capacities of our youth, by God's grace we can continue to gain strength of soul.

The strong guys pictured here are committed to soul strength. Make no mistake; it is a commitment..a commitment that requires community! These six guys are choosing to meet weekly, following the Covenant Connections template of go small, go slow, go strong.

We take turns being strong. There are times when we all feel weak and struggle. When those tough and even tearful times come, where do we turn? King David said, "In the day when I cried out, You answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul." Psalm 138 NKJV

We gain strength from the only two things that are eternal: God's Word and God's people. Some pastors who have experienced the value of a three year covenant group journey are now sharing an abbreviated opportunity for men in their own congregations. If you'd like to know more about how to do that,  feel free to contact Rusty Richards -; Ross Runnels -;  or Adam Turner -

Grace & Peace,

Alan Ahlgrim, CSO


New Shoes!
