Look & See!

“What we see depends mainly on what we look for” John Lubbock

I’ve got a vision problem, a literal one! Ever since the onset of my glaucoma and even after my surgery several years ago I’ve lost fifty-percent of the vision in my right eye. Yep, one half. Sometimes that doesn’t always concern me as much as it should; however, it definitely concerns Linda. I guess it’s because that’s her side of the car!

Most of the time I don’t even think about my vision limitation. Why should I? If I don’t see it, I don’t miss it. But now I’m realizing that there’s another dimension to my vision problem. The loss of my peripheral vision has also messed up my mental processor. For example, I can miss the jar of pickles sitting on the counter in plain sight unless I deliberately take note of them.

In short, I can see anything that I look for. That may sound crazy to you but at least I know I have a problem, by contrast you probably don’t know you have a similar one!

All day every day we seem to see only the things we are looking for and focusing on. Check it out, do you spend more time on social media and negative news or on that which is God honoring and uplifting? Do you share more bad news or good news? Do you find yourself brooding more over the state of the culture or reflecting more on the daily and eternal blessings of God?

For years I’ve challenged myself and others to watch out for “stinkin’ thinkin’” Oswald Chambers reminded me of this last Saturday morning when I read: “Your creative mind is the greatest gift God has given you and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him. You should seek to be “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

So, are you listening more to the culture or to Christ? My pastor buddy Bryan Myers just sent me the link to a powerful message from Chris Brown reminding me of this. I encourage you to check it out. It’s guaranteed to both convict you and inspire you! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ray-johnston-leadership-podcast/id1355252585?i=1000532002927

As for me I choose to dwell far more on the people and things that uplift me than the people and things that disturb me. Guess what? The more I look for those things the more of those things I see!

I love how Dallas Willard put it. “There is no place where God is not, and we will know this when we learn to pay attention.”

That’s what I’m seeking to do every day, all day. As a result I’ve never been happier, calmer or more confident in the promises of Christ than I am right now! What about you?

Grace and Peace,

Alan 🤓


The Leprosy of Loneliness


New Shoes!