All In

“All in” soul work isn’t for sissies!

Four guys were just “all in” … and we weren’t the only ones! At the same time last week three other Covenant Groups were also in session around the country, and two more are in session this week! Each one is doing in depth soul work in the safe place of "heart land.”

Soul work isn’t for sissies!

  • Soul work is not propositional, it’s personal.

  • Soul work is not a product, it’s a process.

  • Soul Work is not scripted, it’s Spirit led.

  • Soul work is not first about content, it’s about connecting.

In each gathering everyone is heard to say: “I’m all in!” That means that despite the inevitable problems, pressures and distractions of life, each guy (or gal) is committed to being attentive to their own interior life and to the serious soul work shared by others.

“All in” means sharing without self-promotion or self-protection! While no one is ever pressured to be fully transparent, much less vulnerable, the culture of covenant groups allows for choosing the life-giving path of self-disclosure. Whenever that happens, amazing things unfold and true bonding begins.

The three with me in the photo above: Cam Huxford, Dyke McCord and Matt Wilson were all amazed. All three had been in many personal leadership settings before, but none had ever experienced the power of sharing their story in-depth. Once again, it wasn’t forced, but it flowed … even for hours!

Change of Place + Change of Pace + Change of People = Change of Perspective! You don’t need a lot of people in your life, you just need the right life-giving people. You need the vital few who are true soul allies. As one guy recently said, “After experiencing the bonding of our covenant group, I now see that all other relationships ____  (stink) by comparison!”

Now Covenant Groups are for gals as well! Three “soul sisters” who have enjoyed a three-year soul strengthening journey are now ready to launch their own groups … free of charge! Here’s the qualifier, this is only open to the wives of guys already in our Covenant Connections network of seventy or so. So if your wife is interested, and you can cover her expenses for travel, meals and possibly lodging, let us know pronto! 

How long has it been since you enjoyed an unhurried and unhindered conversation? Everyone needs to be “all in” with others who want nothing from them, but rather only something for them! Only then are many able to say, “I have no secrets and it is well with my soul!”

Grace and Peace,





The Leprosy of Loneliness